
Modern Maugli

Tippi Degré was born in Africa in a family of French wildlife photographers and spent her childhood is very unusual.
She was born in June 1990, and grew up in the African desert, setting an unusually close relationship with many wild animals, including 28-year-old African elephant named Abu, leopard J & B, lion cubs, giraffe, ostrich, mongoose, cheetah, colt zebras, crocodiles, huge toads and even a snake.
In the ten-age girl explored the African bush, crawling on all fours. Africa has been her home for ten years, allowing Tippy friends with predatory animals, as well as aboriginal tribes of Namibia. For a little girl hug a giant toad was as natural as for her peers - a teddy bear.

Where children sleep

"Where children sleep" - a story about how different the fate of children around the world, told through pictures of children's rooms. The author of the project - a British photographer James Mollison - raises so the theme of children's rights in different countries. Nothing and does not reflect the position of the baby in the family, as his room or even its absence.
Differences between children and their bedrooms are striking: on clothes girls from Tokyo proud mother spends $ 1,000 a month; Bilal - a shepherd boy, who sleeps in the open air, with a herd of goats belonging to his father, Nepali girl Indira working on a granite quarry in three years.
Pictures of children and their rooms were the basis of the book Photographer "Where children sleep", which has received considerable attention in the community. "I hope this book will provide a glimpse into the lives of children who live in many different environments around the world, the ability to reflect on the inequalities that exist, and to realize how we, the people of the civilized world, still lucky," - says James Mollison.

Dong, 9 years, China
Where children sleep

Where children sleep

Jean David, 10 years, Colombia
Where children sleep

Where children sleep

Indira, 7 years, Nepal
Where children sleep

Where children sleep

Toy Stories

The project «Toy Stories» demonstrates that regardless of the country and the living conditions of all the children of the world in this age want one thing - to play. However, preferences, habits and behavior of children from different parts of the world differ.
Gabriel notes that children in developed countries and affluent families more jealous of his toys, and for a long time did not let the photographer to them, was not allowed to play with them, protecting their "treasures." While the children are from poor countries willingly and easily share their favorite toys, even if it was a single teddy bear.
But there is something in common between all the children who participated in the project. Their favorite toys are a reflection of the life that the family lives. Interests and occupations of parents, daily care and employment responsibilities of family members directly affect the choice of favorite toys. Thus, the photo project Gabriele Galimberti "Toy Story" - a kind of serious anthropological study.

Chiva - Mchini, Malawi
 Toy Stories

Paul - Kiev, Ukraine
 Toy Stories

Stella - Montecchio, Italy
 Toy Stories


The reverse side of a mother's love

It is believed that any, even the most delicate, nurturing child deforms. The question is how much.
Of course, people can not survive outside of society - we need to bring the children their ideals, knowledge and experience, to teach them to live in this world alone and to cope with external challenges. But the man who still did not deal with their problems, it is extremely difficult to keep a balance in education. As a result, the problems of our parents (which they are not guilty) reflected on us, it leaves a mark on the education of our children, and they have added to the baggage their unresolved issues and send them down the chain. Paradoxically, this often happens with the best intentions: because " it would be better for you", "I know what I say" and "do not repeat my mistakes". But the fact is that a child should be allowed to just do their mistakes and leave room for free will. Photographer Anna Radchenko explores this question in a project dedicated to maternal love, which sometimes becomes phantasmagoric and not similar to love. Photos cause ambiguous feelings, grotesque imagery and exaggeration make the idea clear and often - repulsive. Here are visualized, unfortunately, typical psychological problems in the relationship between mothers and children: unrealized wishes of parents  excessive strictness, total control and overprotection.


Social advertising against smoking

In addition to protecting the environment and drinking and driving, social advertising is often devoted to the danger and harm of smoking. We offer you the prints and photographs nicotine "guerrilla" social advertising.


The best father in the world

Photographer Dave Engledou few years creates an ironic series of portraits of his young daughter. 
If you look in the family archive, each of us finds approximately the same set of baby pictures here we are in bed, that's on the pot, that's in the hands of moms and dads ... A daughter of the American photographer Dave Engledou clearly be one of the most original albums of children in the world. 
The fact that Dave from birth baby Alice Bee creates photo series "The best father in the world", where the characters are himself and his daughter. Since the photographer has a very peculiar sense of humor, image superpapochki he gets very substandard.

All lengths 

Creative approach to accounting 


Bageting - the new internet boom

Photos of mass tomfoolery with a baguette appeared in social networks.
Baguette around the head, as well as electric, bow, gun and tie. We have not gone mad, but not so on the Western internet users who come up for a new fun - bageting. Entertainment involves the use of a long French bread instead of household items, sports equipment, animals, children, or even body parts. The rules are simple: you need to replace the above-mentioned things freshly baked French baguette, take a photo and put it in a special blog.
The creators and participants of this fotobezumiya a mere amateur pictures with tomfoolery and professional actors and comedians. Among them, for example, actress Marcia Gay Harden, actor George Takei and others.