
Father and son

You will surely agree that there is nothing more touching and endlessly endearing than the relationship of father and child. The moment when the strong, brutal men, one look that can silence the many walking hand in hand with the little son, taking him in his arms, learn to tie shoelaces, give the date and do not be afraid, cause the heart to beat faster.
June 16 in many countries around the world celebrated Father's Day. This is the same day when we can recall the most important man in our lives, our father, we are grateful for all that he has done for us: for our lives, for the magical childhood memories for a sense of security while sitting on his lap, for fairy tales at bedtime, and for the support.
Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

Father and son

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